So You’re Hurt, What Should You Do?

As people who lift weights and are generally physically active, every now and then we are going to experience some sort of ache, pain, or injury. The question is, when this happens, what should we do?

Traditionally, people would go to see their primary care provider, or a specialist like an orthopedic surgeon, as their first line of management. Quite often, when we go to see professionals such as these, we will likely be told to take some time off of training and see if the injury resolves, or we may even be told that surgery is our best option. We are told things like these because many healthcare providers, no matter how good they may be at their profession, don’t have significant experience with lifting and training, and therefore don’t necessarily know how to help us continue to train while dealing with injuries

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Ryan VanNieuwenhuyze
Use Your Words

Last week I posted a video in the RTL Facebook group that got some attention, but I wanted to put the message in writing for those of you who need to print it out and put it on your fridge.

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Ryan Kalkowski
The Resilient Training Lab Podcast: Episode 48

This week Paul Oneid hopped on the podcast to discuss how to view training setbacks, injury, and long-term performance. We all have bad training days, it's how you deal with them that matters.


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Paul Milano
The Resilient Training Lab Podcast: Episode 47

This week Paul and Ryan are joined by Dr. Andy Chen to discuss his cash-based physical therapy practice, how he works with his clients to reframe injury, and how he incorporates kettlebells into his rehab programs.


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Paul Milano
The Resilient Training Lab Podcast: Episode 46

This week Paul and Ryan are joined by Stu Singer, Psy. D (ABD) M.Ed. Stu gives his thoughts surrounding sports psychology, performance consulting, a must for anyone looking to compete at the highest level.


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Paul Milano
When You're Still Plateaued

If you follow us with any regularity you are probably sick of hearing us talk ad nauseam about the importance of focusing on the big rocks. Hell, we tried to do a podcast episode on it and ended up going on and on for 5 episodes (listen to the majoring in the minor series here) If you haven’t listened yet I would encourage you to do so. In these episodes, we outline the major keys to success in the weight room. If you feel stuck or plateaued these areas are where your energy will be best spent.

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Paul Milano
You're Stalled At a Mediocre Total Because You Half-Ass Your Training

If I had to give a one-word answer as to what separates intermediate lifters from advanced lifters, it’s this: Intent. Every rep, every set, every training session, and every training block is an opportunity to make yourself better. By executing your training plan with intent, you refine your setup, your execution of the lift, and your mindset around your training. Intent allows us to get better even on our bad days, because we’re refining the process that will allow us to become great. As a coach, these are the 3 areas I want to see intent from my athletes during their training.

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Ryan Kalkowski
The Resilient Training Lab Podcast: Episode 43

This week Paul and Ryan are joined by John Flagg, who is a team member at Clinical Athlete and online coach through Rebuild Stronger. The episode covers physical, mental, and emotional resilience, and what goes into building it.


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Paul Milano
When The Numbers Stop Going Up

We like numbers. They help us make sense of the world. We especially like when numbers go up. They’re a clear indication that change is occurring, progress is being made, weight is being put on the bar…

So what happens when that slows down and ultimately stops for a period of time?

Some of our RTL clients have been experiencing an overwhelming feeling that they aren’t making progress fast enough - that the gains that were happening from week to week are now happening block to block or perhaps not visibly at all. So what now? Throw the whole program out the window? Quit? You’ve peaked?

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Clare Michalak
The Resilient Training Lab Podcast: Episode 42

This week Paul and Ryan are joined by Tom Biddle, and they discuss what goes into the bottom-up training model and its benefits over a top-down approach. Tom offers possibly the best summary we've heard to date on what it means to coach from the bottom to the top, so thanks for that light bulb moment Tom.


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Paul Milano
Occam’s Razor - KISS

Here is a guiding principle I think many in the fitness field miss the boat on

Occam’s Razor popularized by William of Ockham is a guiding principle used to shave away unlikely or un-useful explanations for models, theories, or deciding between two decisions.

It says, when two things explain a phenomenon equally well, the one with fewer assumptions is better. It is best to “shave away” anything overly complicated.

Now, this doesn’t necessarily say which is true but is used as a rule of thumb that guides people when developing or choosing between two different theories or models.

By definition, all assumptions introduce possibilities for error. If an assumption does not improve the accuracy of the theory, it’s only effect is to increase the probability the overall theory is wrong.

This also protects against ad hoc hypothesis where one just adds additional explanation to make an old theory correct again. As this will just add further assumptions making it less likely to be true.

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Paul Milano
Weekly Recap 12/22 - 12/28

Here’s what we are reading, watching, and liking.

The article of the week is Movement Variability: Should we eliminate it, or embrace it? from Barbell Medicine.

The video of the week is from HealthNut Nutrition about some basic skills to ace your meal prep for the week.

Our first social media post of the week is from Amanda Kohatsu about what body recomposition is and the process and time that is usually required to see results. The second post is from Chrissy King about self-care and the various ways that you can practice self-care that don’t always include bubble baths.

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Paul Milano
The Resilient Training Lab Podcast: Episode 40

This week Paul and Ryan are joined by Riley Presnell, and they dive into Riley's journey into coaching and powerlifting. Riley also offered a ton of cool octopus facts along with awesome training insight, thanks for coming on!


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Paul Milano
3 Holiday Reminders

There are a couple more weeks of the 2020 holiday season, so let’s hope there aren’t more surprises in store for us. This can be a stressful time of year for many, so I’m here to remind you of three things.

  1. You can enjoy a special meal without ruining your progress

  2. You can adjust your training schedule without losing progress

  3. You don’t have to be perfect on January 1st 2021

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Ryan Kalkowski
The Resilient Training Lab Podcast: Episode 39

This week Paul and Ryan are joined by Claire Zai, of Barbell Medicine, to talk about women's participation in strength sports. Claire gives insight into when she first started training with a barbell, how women are treated on social media, and how society views women's sports as a whole.


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Paul Milano
Weekly Recap 12/8 - 12/14

Here’s what we are reading, watching, and liking.

The article of the week is Movement Variability: Should we eliminate it, or embrace it? from Barbell Medicine.

The video of the week is from HealthNut Nutrition about some basic skills to ace your meal prep for the week.

Our first social media post of the week is from Amanda Kohatsu about what body recomposition is and the process and time that is usually required to see results. The second post is from Chrissy King about self-care and the various ways that you can practice self-care that don’t always include bubble baths.

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Paul Milano
The Resilient Training Lab Podcast: Episode 38

This week Paul and Ryan are joined by Dr. Pat Davidson, who goes over his 7 pillars of training. Pat has an educational seminar for trainers and coaches called Rethinking the Big Patterns (RTBP), as well an ebook available called A Coach's Guide To Optimizing Movement. Be sure to check him out!


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Paul Milano